
Foi um sonho com um tio avô, já falecido, que me telefona e diz ser “aquele que me alertou com Mateus 59.” Indo à Bíblia, leio em Mateus cap.5, versículo 9: “Bem aventurados os pacificadores, pois eles serão chamados filhos de Deus”

Comments (1)

Criistiianabril 30th, 2014 at 14:06

Hello,I found your blog recently while srcaehing for Chinese-learning resources for our almost-three-year-old daughter. I didn’t know you live in Northern California! We’re an hr’s drive north of San Francisco and I’m actually at a loss for resources because there are few Chinese speakers here in town. I haven’t bought anything from Better Chinese yet, though I like how they publish books in simplified and traditional Chinese. I speak Cantonese myself but would be overjoyed if our daughter can pick up Mandarin. Do you learn Mandarin along with your kids, then? How did you go about recruiting a tutor?

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